Welcome to Villa Sjötorp, a house by the sea at Lyckorna in Ljungskile

“It started with the friends who used to gather at Villa Sjötorp in the summers. A collective, rather loose in outline, with a common desire to nurture and preserve. Over time, word spread about the house by the sea. A large, sumptuous, mysterious old house. A house for freedom, community, rest, celebration. Villa Sjötorp wants to introduce itself to every new, expectant visitor, whether you come here to attend a conference, as a restaurant guest, or as an overnight guest” (Conde Nast: Bohemian Luxury)

Easter at Villa Sjötorp

Maundy Thursday, April 17

Open from 3pm, stop by for a cold beer, glass of white… maybe some snacks in the spring sun

Good Friday, April 18, Easter Eve, April 19 and Easter Day, April 20

Easter table / Lunch – 13-17

Eggs, Herring and Jansson. Salmon, Vegetables and Potatoes. Wild boar sausages and meatballs. Cheese, Bread and Butter

drop-in or book a table 298 SEK p/p

Children under 12 years 148 kr – Children under 4 years 68 kr

Maundy Thursday – Good Friday Good Friday – Easter Eve – Easter Day

Book a table for dinner, from 18:00 /Menu with starter, main course and something sweet, 698- p/p

For all children, Easter Eve at 14:

We think the Easter Bunny has come to visit, join us for a candy hunt…

For more info and booking:

Contact Us

3 + 11 =


Telephone: 0522-20174


Visiting address: Dirhuvudsvägen, Lyckorna

Postal address: Sjötorpsvägen 5, 459 33 Ljungskile

The house

“More and more people are talking about it – and no one who has been there will ever forget it. The atmosphere at Sjötorp opens all the senses, narrow thoughts and narrow ideas would make this house crumble”

High above the sea at Lyckorna is Villa Sjötorp, or Haegerska villan as it is also called.

Carl Emil Haeger was the engineer who in the 1800s started one of the country’s largest paper industries, Edet Bruk. Like most upper-class families, summers were spent at the coast and Carl Emil bought a plot of land in the newly established bathing and spa resort of Lyckorna. During the last decades of the 19th century, members of the country’s socialites flocked to the town, where there were social houses with restaurants, cold and hot baths, and daily steamboat and rail connections. Prominent guests such as Victor Hasselblad, Viktor Rydberg and King Oscar II sometimes visited “Lyckorna Bad- och Havsanstalt”, which was built in 1877 by the Scotsman Robert MacFie.

The raw materials

“from cold seas, fertile soil, forests and lakes to the table – and zero tolerance for food waste”

Western Sweden has fantastic conditions in the area of food with the rich range of raw materials available here. The inland forests offer game and there is well-known cheese production at several small dairies. The fertile farmland provides conditions for growing cereals and raising animals. Bohuslän’s seafood is considered by many to be the best in the world. All parts of western Sweden can contribute in different ways to filling the pantry shelves.

Villa Sjötorp’s kitchen can be described as ambitious and we refuse to compromise on quality. We prefer to use the expression good food rather than luxury and gourmet, although it is actually just that. At the core is the care of the raw material, the unique and authentic. Everything served in the restaurant comes from our own kitchen. It is mainly based on locally and organically produced ingredients.